"My mission is to guide women out of helplessness, doubt, negativity, and frustration—empowering them to embrace their best selves with positivity, clarity, and confidence. I am passionate about supporting women in actualizing their full potential."
Rachel Trilokekar
Certified Life, Dating and Relationships Coach

You have immense potential--it's time to discover what YOU are capable of.
"Rachel changed my life!
She opened my eyes to see the world in a more positive way. She knows the answers to all my questions and answers it with much wisdom and experience. She also helps me have a better connection to Hashem. I am so grateful to have been connected to her, and to have an amazing person guide me in life.”
- E.W. --Pennsylvania
"I started coaching with Rachel when I just started dating the man I am now married to. I had various mental blocks that I overcame with her help. Now I am happily married to the most amazing man! She has helped me to accept myself and overcome ingrained fears and self-limiting beliefs. I am still a work in progress but I feel stronger and healthier! She has taught me skills in how to respond to conflict and difficult relationships, as well as the steps to overcome my anxiety. I am so thankful for having Rachel as my life coach! "
-L.R. --New Jersey
"I had significant social anxiety when I first started sessions with Rachel. I had no job, didn't go to school, and was too self conscience of myself to date. I cannot believe how much my life has changed since Rachel started working with me. I am literally living a different life!! I have overcome so much with Rachel's gentle guidance, wisdom and support. She has been my anchor! Rachel believes in me and says just the right thing that helps me have the strength to believe in myself and accomplish my goals. She has also challenged me in ways I didn't think I could rise to. But I did. From over coming my social anxiety, to starting dating and weeding out the wrong guys until finding the right one, to helping me overcome negative self talk--Rachel has been through it all with me. I have refereed her to several people. And I thank G-d for her in my life."
-C.M. --United Kingdom
What clients are saying about Rachel...
" I started coaching with Rachel about 2 years ago. Rachel's coaching sessions have helped me develop so many skills for life. Withe her support and insight I was able to heal myself and some of the important relationships in my life. She also helped me through my health journey, helping me find ways to feel healthier and find the right path for me. I feel grateful to Rachel to be my guiding light and help me become a healthier person. Life is a journey and a hard one sometimes--we have a lot of strength to get through tough times but with coaching, it feels more possible to reach those goals and ride through that journey. "
-M.L.--New York