Hello, my name is Rachel Trilokekar (pronounced Rahel), and it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance! I have a genuine desire to help individuals actualize their potential and overcome personal challenges. This drive first manifested itself in my early years, specifically when I was in 5th grade and had the opportunity to write a personal question and answer column for the class newspaper. Even to this day, I recall the honor and fulfillment I felt in being entrusted with that role.
I first began my college education asking myself what field I wanted to pursue and how I wanted to make a difference. I valued self development and had a keen interest in Psychology, but my intuition told me that I needed to have a deeper understanding of myself, my principles and the world around me before getting into the field of Psychology. I needed an anchor, the kind of wisdom about life that stood the test of time. For this reason I instead chose to become a Registered Dietitian. It satisfied my need for counseling people through wellness and diet, yet didn't have to involve deeper issues in psychology that I wasn't prepared for. Over the years, I worked in hospital settings, clinics and programs such as WIC (Women, Infant, & Children).
Over time, I gradually began to acquire the anchor I had felt was missing early on through discovering the teachings of Torah and how it applies to our lives. This journey greatly impacted my own life, and continues to do so. I internalized the deep lessons of Torah through my life challenges and felt so empowered that I wanted to share this with others. I was inspired to start writing for various online Jewish publications on Torah-based topics and giving talks to women. Realizing that my greatest passion and strength lies in inspiring women and girls to develop a deeper understanding of themselves and how they can live their lives with purpose, I decided to become a certified life coach through Refuah Institute, an accredited program that combines Torah-based teachings with the latest practices in life coaching.
In subsequent years, my desire to support single women in their journey from dating to marriage motivated me to undergo training under the guidance of Rochel Goldbaum. Rochel Goldbaum is an internationally acclaimed speaker and renowned dating and relationships coach and mentor. Through her highly successful Directed Dating Approach program, I gained valuable insights and techniques that I have since incorporated into my coaching methodology. Now, I offer guidance to women of all ages who are on on their dating journey with the intention of not only finding their lifelong partner but also fostering the creation of a healthy and fulfilling marriage. This brings me much happiness!
Married women have their own unique challenges and helping them to develop a deep connection to their spouse is a top priority for me. I completed the Building A Lasting Connection premarrital/marital facilitator workshop program; a program based on emotionally focused therapy. I have combined this with the necessary tools and Jewish wisdom from extraordinary masters in the marital coaching field.
Parenting is a challenging, extraordinary journey and it is my goal to facilitate this process for women. I earned my advanced certification as a Child and Youth Coach through Refuah Institute, helping women to navigate the parenting journey, including challenges raising complex kids.
In addition to my coaching practice, I enjoy sharing insights as a freelance writer and motivational speaker. I am married with children, and live in a lovely community in Atlanta, Georgia. Thank you for taking the time to get to know me!